PCP Resources

Take Back the Republican Party

The Precinct Strategy gives the power of local government back to The People.  You can make a huge difference by getting involved in local politics.

ORS248.031 Precinct committeepersons as county central committee
The precinct committeepersons of the county shall constitute the county central committee of their party. The county central committee of each major political party is the highest party authority in county party matters and may adopt rules or resolutions for any matter of party government within the county which is not controlled by the laws of this state. [Formerly 248.025]

The organizational unit closest to the grass roots is the county Central Committee, consisting of the county’s Precinct Committee People (PCPs)

PCPs are elected by fellow Republicans in their precinct in even numbered years during the May Primary election. PCPs can be appointed at any time, however appointed PCPs don’t get to vote in key party elections.

PCPs are the heart of the Republican Party. They are the grassroots activists who work hard to get Republican candidates elected, to get measures on the ballot, and help pass ballot measures that reflect our Republican values. PCPs get to know candidates and the opportunity to ask them questions face to face.

When do PCP elections happen?

PCPs are elected in the Primary Election of even-numbered years.  An elected PCP has the special responsibility of electing the next Douglas County Republican Central Committee Executive Board.  

The Executive Board has lots of responsibilities, including:

  • sending Delegates to the Oregon Republican Party meetings (known as State Central Committee Meetings)
  • serving as Precinct Captains (Alternate Delegates & At-Large Board Members)
  • managing the day-to-day activities of the County Central Committee
  • organizing Get Out the Vote during elections
In between elections, PCPs can be appointed to fill a vacancy.  
File for Precinct Committee Person