An elderly man with diminished cognitive capacity has been propped up in his nursing home bed while Sheriff John Hanlin guards the door. Representative Virgle Osborne takes his position at the foot of the bed while holding up a root beer float for the patient to see. Douglas County Clerk Dan Loomis (official overseer of elections) gently places the 2024 Primary Ballot on the table which has been positioned over the patient’s lap, and quietly begins to provide instruction. Senator David Brock Smith carefully works a pen into the elderly man’s feeble hand and folds his fingers into place. Smith then gently guides the hand down the ballot, filling in the circles beside the names of certain candidates (David Brock Smith, Christine Goodwin, John Hanlin) while Clerk Loomis articulates their many qualities. When finished, Osborne hands the old man his root beer float, and the team quickly scurries down the hall to the next room.

YES, this is a word-meme (and NO, Senator Smith, your lawyer does not need to send me a “cease and desist letter”), but it’s also a valid depiction of what is being touted as a “Ballot Harvesting Event” that has been announced by the Douglas County GOP.

This event is scheduled for The Landing Senior Living Community on May 17th, from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm (enough time to coerce the hundreds of elderly folks who currently live there), and the DCRCC is asking for volunteers who have low enough moral standards to help them with something this sleezy. If you qualify, you can contact Donna Torres at 971-270-8338, or DCRCC Chairman Larry Reeves at 310-613-4874.


The only reason this is happening is because “The Republican Cabal” (which includes all of our county’s elected officials) is scared to death that Todd Vaughn is ahead in the SD1 Primary against David Brock Smith (and he is), and that Noah Robinson is ahead of Christine Goodwin in the SD2 Primary (and he is).

Why else would this group of “Republican Party” criminal conspirators “ballot harvest” a Primary in what most certainly has become a unique form of election interference? When have you ever seen anything like this?


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