A Smear Campaign?

Written by Terry Noonkester
David Brock Smith did not risk his political career to stop the infamous abortion and gender-affirming House Bill 2002 or the anti-gun rights House Bill 2005. He did not walk out to deny the Democrats quorum. On June 15th 2023 Smith was one of the senators that gave the Democrats quorum to pass HB 2002. That same day David Brock Smith voted “Aye” to allow HB 2002 to proceed through legislature, and then Smith was marked “absent” when the bill passed later that day. This sabotaged the efforts of the pro-life senators that sacrificed their political careers to protect children.
The Klamath County Republican Central Committee passed a Declaration that stated; “We as a body reject and condemn the actions of Senators Knopp, Findley, Hansell, Brock-Smith and Anderson to provide quorum during the last week of session propelling the passage of dangerous bills that directly impact the already muted and suppressed voices of rural Oregonians in Klamath County.”
David Brock Smith has a history of claiming to support positions popular with his constituents, but his testimonies and voting records prove otherwise with his promotion of wind turbines off the coast, votes for CRT & SEL curriculums for our schools, and votes for anti-election integrity and anti-property rights bills.
There is not a smear campaign against David Brock Smith, his past is just catching up to him. Todd Vaughn is the logger who can replace Smith and cut deadwood out of the Oregon Senate.